Light on Thinking is led by Dr Helen E. Lees, an expert in understanding of innovative pedagogy for education, with a focus on democratic interactions for equalized power.

The work we do is mostly - but not exclusively - within English speaking universities, mainly European. The consultancy began from a realization that universities - despite being leaders in student experience - need support with forms of education that involve ideas of democratic equality. Universities are extremely hierarchical. They are not good at democracy. Yet, research into the uses of democracy in learning interactions suggests it brings multiple positive benefits to classroom spaces, experience and outcomes: of well-being, motivation, autonomy and curiosity; all a fundamental part of higher education level teaching and learning practice.

Whilst hierarchy might support organisation, if it impacts the classroom and student joy, it can have devasting affects for students and staff. But transforming a classroom from difficulties mired in an abiding sense of hierarchy in an institution that relies on hierarchy to function, can be a painful and haphazard affair. Risks include negative student feedback, teachers at risk of complaint procedures, unsafe atmospheres devoid of trust.

By focusing on the power of pedagogy informed by democratic manners of equalising and empowering both students and staff - via a lens and approach of the freedoms and democratic interactions inherent in alternative education - all can be empowered. So often a problem is caused by a teacher not having sufficient understanding of pedagogy: they’ve never thought about it, they’ve never been taught about it and they aren’t using it. In fact, often, they think to teach is pedagogy. And this is a kind of teaching they were given by another’s thinking. To be good at equalized pedagogy for the sake of excellence is often a strange proposition because this is an advanced pedagogy when even the basics are missing.

Upon arriving on your campus, Light on Thinking will analyze a problematic situation and explain why pedagogy matters, why equalizing pedagogy matters in universities among adults, how it can make course practices and decision making so much better for staff and students. A journey begins.

Helen is author of a specialized book for universities outlining these approaches:

Playing the University Game

Please do get in touch with any questions about what Light on Thinking can offer your university.

I look forward to hearing from you!
